Merging Minds
"Meditation is holy to me, for I believe that all the secrets of existence and nonexistence are somewhere in our heads—or in other...
Reviews 5/8/19 facebook
Earth & Sky, Heart & Soul Wonderful read, thank you Kevin. Janie Vargason Earth & Sky, Heart & Soul Fantastic book, a must read. Viola...
Review 4/2019
During part of my many fulfilling years in education I facilitated Writing Workshops and/or assisted in setting up their workshops. What...
Facebook Reviews
Viola Peak Excellent books, visual journeys worth taking. 📷 Karen Kirwan Foote April 17 If anyone is looking for a book to read consider...
goodreads review
📷 Joan Eckert maholtz has reviewed A Divine Appointment and rated it 📷 📷 📷 📷 📷 The entire book touched me to the very depth of my...
Early Review (goodreads)
Melanie Brennan rated it as amazing  ***** Poetry has a way to speak to people. This book of poetry starts with a call to "Lead us from...